Sunday, December 6, 2015


I’m sure there are many different styles of writing but in my case I like to let the brain do the work while I’m off doing something else.

The human brain is an amazing computer.  When you input a bunch of data and let that stir around in your head for a while, interesting things happen.  The brain has a way of making plots work, creating dialogue, telling a story.

My technique is to get an idea, input some facts, and then let the brain cook on it.  I find that if I go do some physical work, the brain seems to take that story and put it on simmer and by the end of the day a small idea has often grown into a big idea.

Writers who sit at the typewriter (aka computer) and try to force a story tend to complain of “writers’ block.”  I never get writers’ block. The reason is that I don’t start writing until the story is already jelled in my mind.  Then, the writing process is just mechanical.

Think of fiction as telling your best friend a story.  If you are good at relating stories in person then writing is just another mechanical approach to something that you already do.

The Look For Me series was written with this technique and this very second, a scene in Book 7 (Return For You) is cooking in my mind. 

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