Thursday, November 26, 2015


The Look For Me series has a smattering of foreign language.  I use other languages to add depth and color to some of my characters.  So far in the series I have included Dutch, French, Chinese and German.

Realizing that most English speaking readers will not be fluent in other languages, I use a technique that I think keeps the color but allows the reader to sail through the passages without running to the dictionary.

The trick is to say what you want to say in the foreign language and then paraphrase it within the context of the passage.  Here is an example from Knew You Before:

As she approached, Clemmens heard her coming and stood up.  He held a stein high into the air.
                Meta kicked Mope gently and she speeded up a little hill where Clemmons had built his fire.
                “Wie geht es Dir?”
                “Jetzt, da ich bei Dir bin, geht es mir sehr gut,” he replied with a smile.
                Meta loved to be flattered.  Now that she was there he was very well, he told her.  But she was nervous, too. She felt her heart beating wildly in her chest.
                “Lass mich Dir runter helfen,” said Clemmens as he reached up to help Meta down off the horse. 

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